
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Miguel Cabrera, and the gentle nature of Saint Joseph and the Good Sheppard. in his paintings

Miguel Cabrera has an exceptional talent to convey the softness and gentleness of  the mysteries of the Gospel, as few artists have been able to achieve.

In the exposition to which our group, Road of Faith and Art, has been invited to, "Miguel Cabrera, and the episodes of Creation," we will be able to witness this Wednesday the softness in Saint Joseph, as he carries the Infant Jesus on his lap, a painting of extraordinary beauty and ellegance, as we see Joseph, not as an old man, nor as a man of the age of Mary,but probably a man in his thirties, with a golden embroided garment.

On the other hand, we will witness the verbal image of Christ in his Gospel of the Good Sheppard. Here Miguel Cabrera converts the verbal image into a pictorial image, and not only revealsthe resurrected Christ as the Good Sheppard, but His Mother, the Blessed Virgin, as a Good Sheppard Girl., equally involved in the task of our spiritual well-being.

Jesus, the Good Sheppard!
Notice the wounds in the feet
of Christ.

Our Lady,
 the Good Sheppardess

Both our Blessed Lady as well as Our Lord Jesus Christ are wearing hats in the paintings of Miguel Cabrera. This is quite common in the world of painting during the 18th Century in Peru and in Guatemala, but somewhat unusual in Mexican art. In both portraits, the sheep hold roses in their mouths, symbolizing the Holy Rosary. In the background, we can see a monster pursuing a lost lamb.

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